8 Months

At just a little over 8 months, Malcolm went from chilled out and unmotivated, to a little mess monster that is on the go! In the past week or so, his new tricks include sitting up in bed on his own:


And crawling:


He’s growing and developing right on track. He’s got six teeth, but refuses any table food. I don’t mind. Baby food is so easy! And his fine motor skills are developing right on target. It’s pretty amazing to watch him grasp at objects and try to figure out how it works. He’s pulling up on things to stand. He loves to walk while we hold his hands. And most of all, he’s so happy and expressive! I love his smile and his laugh. And I Iove his sad face and when he furrows his eyebrows. And to see him play with the dogs is sweet. He is so intrigued by them and they are in love with him. It’s a ton of fun in our house right now 🙂

